Weedo Tina2 Feeder Upgrade ("Fine Tuning" add-on)

ID: 12956

3D Model Details

  • Texture: No
  • Multipart model: Yes
  • File format: stl
  • File size: 2.05 MB
  • Upload date: 08/22/2022
  • Last update: 08/22/2022
Weedo Tina2 improvement parts.
For personal non-commercial use.

These are improvement parts for your Weedo Tina2 3D printer and can be printed by your Tina2.

WARNING : this is an add-on for the "Basic" part and won't work without it (see OPTIONS below).
This add-on let you precisely control the feeder's grip pressure over the filament. An Up position locking mechanism is included.
(see Instructions.pdf)

This upgrade isn't compatible with my 1kg spool holders V1 or V2. I might have to design a V3...

The "Basic" part is mandatory for this add-on to work and is NOT INCLUDED (see below).

- "Basic" : only includes the "Top_Platform" part (painless filament loading/unloading)
- "Fine Tuning" (add-on) : filament grip pressure control add-on for "Basic" ("Basic" is mandatory)
- "Front Load" : allow front access to the filament release mechanism
- "Complete" pack : all included ("Basic" + "Fine Tuning" + "Front Load")

What you will get
* Watertight/manifold STL files
* Ready to print Tina2 optimized Gcode files
* Clear instructions PDF file

Print Settings
* Rafts : No
* Supports : No
* Resolution : 0.2mm layer thickness
* Infill : 20%

Post printing
None. Simply follow the included Instructions.pdf file.

For more Tina2 related topics please visit http://www.reppersdelight.spacymen.com/
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